Wrap up of Birthing Kits Assembly Day 2018
A big thank you to all those who attended our Birthing Kit Assembly Days this year. We are delighted to say that we successfully packed 10,000 kits that will now head to Papua New Guinea, Nigeria, DR Congo and Uganda.
Check out our video of the excitement of the day!
Birthing Kits 2019
Please keep Wednesday 14th August (EKKA day) and/or Saturday 17th August 2019 free for next year’s event.

2018 Zonta Birthing Kit Project
With the benefit of all our supporters we achieved the 100,000 birthing kit milestone in 2017 which was such an exciting event to share.
We now need to re-group to focus on the girls and women who require us to be focussed on our next Zonta Birthing Kit Assembly day to ensure the women in rural and remote locations of PNG and other developing countries do not suffer from infection during childbirth, detrimentally affecting both the mother and the child.
We are currently planning the 2018 project so aiming to assemble 10,000 birthing kits with the assistance of 500 volunteers.
In this our 13th year we need your help in seeking support and sponsorship for this event
Diarise for Wednesday 15th August and Saturday 18th August for volunteering.
If you have never joined us before please email me at zontabb.birthingkits@gmail.com so we can include you on the mailing list.
May Mother Daughter Breakfast!
Join the Zonta Club of Brisbane Breakfast for our annual Mother Daughter breakfast on Friday the 4th of May, at the Brisbane Club. Tickets available at ZontaTickets.
This year our featured speaker will be Louise Fitzgerald-Baker of ‘The Pink Hard Hat’ – coach, author, mother, and all around accomplished woman.
Here’s a bit about Louise from her website, thepinkhardhat.com.au :
I’m a busy wife and mother of 3 daughters and built a career in the construction industry, before turning my attention back to training and coaching.
Like you, I have learned to juggle.
And dance.
And mostly keep it together.
But it hasn’t always been that way.
As an entrepreneur, I have been tested.
There were days when I didn’t have the answers, direction or experience to know which step to take next.
So I set about making a plan from which to construct my life.
I wanted to build the life I had always imagined.
And yes, I built my home in the process.
I lovingly decorated it and created a place for us to live.
But beyond that, I set about putting the necessary measures in place to ensure this home was protected, and that my daughters had their own blueprint for life, love, health and business. I have written a book on it, and now coach and train women all over the world to apply the same principles so that they, too, can build and insulate their lives.
So come along, bring your mother or your daughter – or even some special friends. We’d love to see you there!
Any proceeds raised from this event will go towards our worthy service projects in support of the vital work they do to assist and empower women in Brisbane.
Secure your tickets here: https://zontatickets.com.au/event/zonta-mother-daughter-breakfast-6896
2018 Mother’s Day Classic – 13th May 2018
Zonta District 22 is an Alliance Partner supporting the Mother’s Day Classic.
Visit http://www.mothersdayclassic.com.au/ to find out how you can join us in support of this event, and this worthy cause.
April 2018 Breakfast Speaker: Anastasia Magriplis
On Friday the 6th of April 2018, we will welcome our guest speaker Anastasia Magriplis, State Manager Volunteering, UnitingCare Queensland.
Anastasia has been working with volunteers throughout her career. Firstly with Greenpeace Australia as the Queensland Community Activist Coordinator where she coordinated a team of thirty volunteers until today where she is responsible for over 6,000 volunteers in forty programs across the state at UnitingCare Queensland.
Anastasia has managed volunteer programs including telephone Crisis Supporters, events, business and operations volunteers as well as employment initiatives including Work for the Dole, Rehabilitation Employment Schemes and Federal and State Government Employment Programs. She has also managed volunteers for the Lifeline Brisbane Bookfest, an event that has been rated the largest second hand book sale in the world. The Bookfest, which in 1999 had a team of seventy volunteers and raised around $150,000 has been expanded to now having up to six hundred volunteers and raising around $1,000,000 per event.
Anastasia understands volunteers and their management from both an operational and strategic perspective. Through her experience, passion for innovation has seen the expansion of volunteer involvement in all aspects of the UnitingCare Community’s operations across Queensland. She is passionate about the contributions volunteers make to the community and regard volunteers as the heart of the Not for Profit sector.
For more inspiration, have a look at this article on Volunteering Queensland’s website:
Women’s Legal Service White Ribbon Breakfast 2017
The Zonta Club of Brisbane Breakfast was once again privileged to attend the Women’s Legal Service White Ribbon Breakfast on November. Again Women’s Legal Service recognised our long term relationship and support.
To find out more about the work of Women’s Legal Service Queensland, visit their website here, and follow them on Facebook here.
Women’s Leadership Forum
On the 15th of December the Ladies of Mongolia Fellowship Program was hosted by the Zonta Club of Brisbane Breakfast for a Women’s Leadership Forum. A round table discussion facilitated by Janette Clonan and Petrina Fraccaro (ZBB’s Vice President), the afternoon aimed to enhance the leadership capabilities of women leaders in Mongolia.
The Fellows were brought to Australia thanks to a DFAT development grant, and the Forum was part of a broader program hosted by QUT.

Ladies of Mongolia Fellowship Program -Women’s Leadership Forum. ZBB members in attendance: Petrina Fraccaro, Deb Peach, Lynne Foley, and Rachael Field.
We thank those who attended, and look forward to seeing what these leaders have in store for their futures!
We’re Internationally Famous! Birthing Kits 2016
Check out this post on Zonta International’s page about our annual Birthing Kit project! http://www.zonta.org/Local-Action/Local-Service-Advocacy/Detail/exciting-growth-for-popular-birthing-kit-project
The Birthing Kit project is one of our favourite days of each year, and we truly appreciate everyone who supports us in this endeavor.
If you’re interested in joining us next year, keep in touch – we’re on Facebook, Twitter, Email and in person!
Thank you so much to those of you who were able to support us by joining us at The Dressmaker Movie Night on Thursday. We raised some money, had a good time, and saw a really excellent Australian movie.
Our next event is the Estee Lauder Shopping event, on the 12th of December. Tickets are available NOW at goo.gl/cp9lME for $10. The ticket will get you entry to the store, where brands including Estee Lauder, MAC, Bobby Brown, Clinique and more are available at significant discount. Some items are half their store retail price!
So come along and get a great deal – stock up on your own products, as well as get your Christmas presents sorted!
As always, the proceeds go towards supporting our worthy service projects including the Queensland Women’s Legal Service, and the Australian Cervical Cancer Foundation.
Thanks again for your amazing and generous support, and we look forward to seeing you in December!
Birthing Kits 2015
The 2015 Birthing Kits day is well underway, and if you haven’t already, please have a look at our event page and consider signing up to volunteer, or contributing financially to the project.
We’re very excited for this year’s event – it is the 10th year the Zonta Club of Brisbane Breakfast has hosted the event, and we are aiming to put together a record 15,000 kits in one morning. We would love your support – even if you just spread the word, we’d be so grateful.
We know it will be an amazing day, as it is every year, and look forward to seeing as many of you there as possible to help put together these life-saving kits.