Entertainment books 2018
Support Zonta Brisbane City Breakfast Club and you’ll be rewarded!
We are raising funds for our fundraising and you can help. Order the NEW 2018 | 2019 Entertainment Book or Entertainment Digital Membership and you will receive hundreds of valuable offers for everything you love to do, and you will also be supporting our fundraising. PLUS, order now to receive over $150 of bonus Early Bird Offers (hurry, these sell out quickly). Digital Early Bird offers will be uploaded to your phone on 1 March.

Wine Fundraiser
We have the opportunity to passively fundraise with Wines Direct.. The amount received directly by the club will be $6 on every dozen purchased, plus on other occasions – it can be $30 per dozen. Those people that purchased would have an account with wine direct with the Zonta affiliation (similar to my CPA or frequent flyer number). Then you just login when you need to repurchase. More information to come. If Zontian’s decide to leave this page and shop elsewhere within our site they have already been electronically tagged which means we will be able to identify them as Zonta Breakfast Brisbane should they purchase… https://www.winedirect.com.

2018 Zonta Birthing Kit Project
With the benefit of all our supporters we achieved the 100,000 birthing kit milestone in 2017 which was such an exciting event to share.
We now need to re-group to focus on the girls and women who require us to be focussed on our next Zonta Birthing Kit Assembly day to ensure the women in rural and remote locations of PNG and other developing countries do not suffer from infection during childbirth, detrimentally affecting both the mother and the child.
We are currently planning the 2018 project so aiming to assemble 10,000 birthing kits with the assistance of 500 volunteers.
In this our 13th year we need your help in seeking support and sponsorship for this event
Diarise for Wednesday 15th August and Saturday 18th August for volunteering.
If you have never joined us before please email me at zontabb.birthingkits@gmail.com so we can include you on the mailing list.

Mothers’ Day Classic Walk 2018
On the 13th of May – a number of members walked donning their Zonta says NO t-shirts in the Mothers’ Day Classic Walk – fundraising for Breast Cancer.
Women’s Legal Service White Ribbon Breakfast 2017
The Zonta Club of Brisbane Breakfast was once again privileged to attend the Women’s Legal Service White Ribbon Breakfast on November. Again Women’s Legal Service recognised our long term relationship and support.
To find out more about the work of Women’s Legal Service Queensland, visit their website here, and follow them on Facebook here.
Zonta Birthing Kit Project 2017
If you’ve been following us on social media, you probably already know that we’ve released registrations for this year’s Birthing Kits projects!
Join us on the 16th and 19th of August, where we’ll be putting together 13,000 kits, to make our 100,000th kit over the lifetime of the project. What an immense effort!
We’re already making headlines – have a look at this article on the ABC!
Mother’s Day Classic
Join Zonta in support of the Mother’s Day Classic.
Visit http://www.mothersdayclassic.com.au/ to find out how you can join us in support of this event, and this worthy cause.
Women’s Legal Service White Ribbon Breakfast 2016
The Zonta Club of Brisbane Breakfast was once again thrilled to attend the Women’s Legal Service White Ribbon Breakfast. This year, with 770 attendees, the morning raised $100,000 to fund the vital Women’s Legal Helpline.
To find out more about the work of Women’s Legal Service Queensland, visit their website here, and follow them on Facebook here.
Ab Fab Movie Night!
Have you heard about the new Absolutely Fabulous movie? Well we have. And we’re so excited that we decided to hold a movie night, so we can all watch it, have some fun together, AND raise some money for our worthy service projects… What could be better?!
Buy tickets at https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/ab-fab-the-movie-zonta-movie-night-tickets-26024650430
And tell us you’re coming on Facebook!
Mother & Daugher (&Friends) May Breakfast – Speaker: Madonna King
Zonta Club of Brisbane Breakfast would like to invite you to join us for our Mother & Daughter (& Friends) Breakfast with Madonna King
Madonna King is an award-winning journalist, author and commentator. She has long been known as the voice of current affairs in Queensland, heading the top rating current affairs program on the ABC for six years, and winning several national ABC awards for her journalism.
Madonna’s fifth, and latest book, is a biography of federal treasurer Joe Hockey. Last year she authored the biography of Australian of the Year and inventor of the cervical cancer vaccine, Ian Frazer.
Madonna writes for the Sydney Morning Herald Good Weekend magazine, and her weekly column, That Thinking Feeling, appears on Brisbane Times each Thursday. Previously, she wrote a popular Saturday column for Brisbane’s The Courier-Mail.
With more than 25 years’ experience across newspapers, radio and television, Madonna is well known for ability to think on her feet.
Join the Zonta Brisbane Breakfast Club to hear Madonna share her first hand experiences and anecdotes from interviewing leading women – from politicians to CEOs to international sportswomen – to calming the anger of a talk back caller!
Her experiences allow Madonna to provide a fascinating yet entertaining keynote about the challenges and lessons she has learnt from the women she has interviewed along the way.
A fellow of the prestigious World Press Institute, Madonna has served as a visiting fellow at the Queensland University of Technology, and on the Walkley Advisory Board for Journalism. She has completed a Diploma in Company Directorships, through the Australian Institute of Company Directors and is on three not-for-profit boards.