Each year our Zonta groups and friends pack birthing kits for women in third world countries. It’s great for bonding, fun and laughter while making a real difference.
A Birthing Kit is a very simple set of items that make an enormous difference in improving hygiene, and consequently mortality rates, for women in many places around the world.The birthing kit addresses the 7 cleans needed for a safe delivery. The kits are basic with 6 items: A plastic sheet, soap, 2 gloves, sterile scalpel blade, 3 cords and 5 gauze squares. These kits are assembled into a small bag at an Assembly Day.
We also lend our support to the Zonta International causes and campaigns, as well as support and volunteer for other worthy causes in line with our values as the need arises.

Birthing Kits
It is estimated that over 300,000 women die annually in childbirth, many from preventable infections. Every 90 seconds, a woman dies of complications related to pregnancy and childbirth. For every wom...
Project Details
Zonta International Projects
Service International Service Ending Violence Against Women and Girls Advocacy Commission on the Status of Women Sustainable Development Goals Zonta Says NO to Violence Against W...
Project Details